Homeopathy is a holistic science and as such it addresses the whole person – physical symptoms, emotions, genetic influences, stressors, and the underlying causes of your health problems. Homeopathy views symptoms as the body’s natural response in fighting an illness. Homeopathic remedies, when properly prescribed, can help to eliminate the underlying cause of diseases, thus establishing a healthy balance between our body and the environment.
Homeopathy was established for over 200 years ago by German physician Samuel Hahnemann, and is recognized by the World Health Organization as the second largest therapeutic system in the world. Homeopathic remedies are diluted in a specific way that increases their potential to remedy ailments while at the same time making toxicity impossible. The manufacture and sale of homeopathic remedies are regulated by the FDA. Homeopathy is one of several healing methods that I use in my practice. Q: Should I use homeopathy just by itself or should I combine it with other methods of healing? A: I find homeopathy works best when combined with other holistic modalities such as clinical nutrition and detoxification. I use this combined approach which is tailored to each client’s individual needs and situation.“My son’s ear was clear…and he would not need any surgery”
“Before seeing Dr. Salzarulo, my 17 month old child had seven ear infections in a period of six months. I was told by my medical doctor that my son would need surgery if things did not clear up. I worked with Dr. Salzarulo for two months with homeopathic remedies as well as diet and lifestyle changes. When I went for the next visit with my doctor I was told that my son’s ear was clear and that he would not need any surgery. My son is doing great, and I am now a believer in homeopathy.” – U. Khurana, Jersey City, New Jersey“I’ve Spent Two Decades Searching”
“I’ve spent two decades searching for the best, most knowledgeable holistic practitioners I could find for maintaining my own health. He is absolutely wonderful. I’m convinced he can get to the root of any health concern – major or minor. I’ve never been more impressed.or more healthy.” – Peter S, New YorkDr. Salzarulo’s Homeopathy Video
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